Thursday, November 10, 2005

Praise God! Getting OUT and REACHING others!

Thank you Matt, Vickie, Mattie & Jordan Kenny, Cesar, Rich, Maddie & Rudy for GOING4GOD tonight in Apple Valley, Santa Rosa. Thank you James and Pastor Dan who came by and Jordan Bragg for calling~ Thank you for all the hands and feet that helped: Karen Donaghy, Olwyne Nesbitt, Kelly Wood, Michelle, Anthony England, Cece & Maddie Gonzalez for sorting, lifting, carrying, bagging all the donations. Thank you Jesus for 16 full bags of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and comfort food, hygiene and household supplies. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Dear Father God in heaven, there is so much need. Jesus helped one person at a time so let us not use "there is so much need" as an excuse, let us share with one person at a time. We live around so much abundance, sometimes we forget, forgive us Father. Lord, multiply the people to come next week as we go out in Sonoma and Santa Rosa. Lord, multiply the food that was given tonight. There were some that were turned away because we didn't have enough. Thank you Jesus for the willingness of those who were there to receive with grateful hearts not only the food, but THE BREAD OF LIFE through prayer and with thanksgiving. Thank you Jesus for the families asking for "church" to be THERE in Apple Valley on a Saturday! Thank you Father God, Alleluia for lives being changed, lives being fed for the opportunity to serve. Lord, we thank you in advance for all the blessings you are pouring out in this community. Father God, merciful God, loving, compassionate, patient God, all glory and honor to you forever and ever in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, AMEN!

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