Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Dear Jesus, a team wants to go Thursday night but we need bags of groceries and household supplies~ please stir in action the hearts of those wanting to help and fill up our porch before tomorrow~ Thank you for the bags of donations from James and Josie~ last week we had enough food for 16 families! Let's double that this week! Thank you Lord in advance for your message being spread throughout Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. Thank you for the opportunity to worship you and share your word with one person at a time, one heart at a time. Dear Lord, you are so good to us and we want to shout your good news! In your name, AMEN

Ideas for donations in the next days for outreaches on Thursday Night (TIME TBA)
paper towels, paper napkins, soap, dish soap, laundry soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, toilet paper, kleenex, household cleaners....FOOD, think something for breakfast, lunch and dinner:
bags of rice and beans, pasta and sauce, soup, chili, top ramen, peanut butter and jelly, oatmeal, cereal, pancake mix and syrup, tortillas and a comfort food like chocolate chips, cookies, salsa and like flour and sugar, salt, shortening, cooking sprays, etc.

Need hotdogs, ketchup, mustard, hot dog buns, water bottles, sodas, chips, grapes, children's face paint, tank of gas for bbq, napkins, paper plates

Outreach on Thursday depends on if groceries show up on our porch in the next 24 hours! If they do then we're going at 5pm sharp from our home.

Outreach/Church on Saturday at 1pm (tenative time, check back) Apple Valley, meet here or there~ let us know you are coming to worship and cook for Jesus!



UGO4GOD said...

cookies would be great for dessert on Saturday, who wants to bake some cookies?

UGO4GOD said...

Lets do it!
Everyone enjoys the food and goodies so so so so so much!
We need to do it!
Please help us GO4GOD!