Sunday, November 27, 2005

muchas gracias

hi everyone it's Cece we thank you so much!
Jesus brought 997 toys, a brand new basketball hoop, 4 basketballs, 200 spa bags, lots of socks and underwear, 7 lbs of rice, 12 lbs of beans, hundreds of more trinket gifts and 60 confirmed people to go4god!
I think Jesus beat Santa this year!
Feliz Navidad
p.s. did you know my birthday is the same as Jesus's birthday (Christmas Day)
going to be 9 on christmas day!
Cece Gonzalez

1 comment:

UGO4GOD said...

Thank you Kevin Mc Carthy, Kelly Marshall & boys and mom Judy, Lynn Iovino, Linda Elgin, Val Simms, Hope Chapel West, Christina and Marco Franco, Cassity Family, Bennett Family, Jana & mom, Arakaki Family, Holl Family, Ashlee, Liz Jones, Donaghy(s) Family, Russ & Terry Clifford, Lisa Broyles, Nick Paff, Monica Maynard, Gonzalez Girls, Anthony, Craig, Lisa, Travis & Cody...for answering prayers of our girls today~ WOW...and to all who have left toys at churches~ Hope Chapel Santa Rosa, Hope Chapel West, St. Mark Lutheran, Village Elementary School~ to those who filled Anthony's basketball shoes with money so that the kids in TJ can play basketball at church~ for the Holl girls and Maddie & Cece's friends who came to fill all those spa bags~ for Greg, Karen, Samantha & Cassidy Rasore who have been storing, shipping and carrying all those toys in their warehouse~ for prayers and to all those who left toys silently w/o us knowing on our porch these past few months~ May God bless each of you and your homes with so much more! It feels like Christmas! Love to all of you!
Rudy & Lori