Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Psalm 56:3-4

Whenever I am afraid,
I will trust in You.
In God (I will praise His word),
In God I have put my trust;
I will not fear.
What can flesh do to me?
Family & Friends,
Thank you for your visits
Thank you for flowers
Thank you for dinners
Thank you for chocolate
Thank you for phone messages
Thank you for emails
Thank you for blogs
Thank you for pictures
Thank you for songs
Thank you for roses
Thank you for mums
Thank you for pumpkins
Thank you for lillies
Thank you for rides for the kids
Thank you for truffles
Thank you for overnight play dates for the girlies
Thank you for helping do mundane (ask Angie)
Thank you for thank you notes
Thank you for tomatoes and bell peppers
Thank you for groceries
Thank you for anniversary cake
Thank you for chocolate cake
Thank you for drawings
Thank you for calling me "auntie rocksdarr"
Thank you for jammies
Thank you for laughter
Thank you for tears
Thank you for scrapbook stuff
Thank you for love letters
Thank you for cards
Thank you Hope Chapel
Thank you church ladies :)
Thank you RAVEN Team
Thank you Cowboys for Christ
Thank you David and Martha
Thank you Pastor Troy & Melanie Bohn
Thank you Doree
Thank you Bobby and Dot Chance
Thank you Pastors Dan, Billie, Thomas, Jimmy, Marguerite
Thank you Dr. James Campisano
Thank you for emails from around the country
Thank you all for standing in faith, so many
Rudy's been keeping me posted, reading all your names and all your prayers,
affirmations and encouragement
Thank you for GOING4GOD
Thank you for PRAYERS
Rudy and Lori Gonzalez
PS Had some moments of doubt, uneasiness then went to the word
and look what it said (above)
everyone know my Jesus!
AND everyone say AMEN!

1 comment:

Just a girl.... said...

Lori, I've been thinking of you so much, and you are never far from my mind and my heart. I love you!